Yarram Tyres and Exhausts

MURAL LOCATION – 21 Bland St, Yarram VIC 3971  


Yarram Tyres and Exhausts offers a friendly and competitive service for the Yarram and wider community. With the building having a pole and beam construction harking back to the days of blacksmiths and stables for working horses, the theme for this mural quickly became apparent.

Over the years the building has seen many businesses come and go that support the local agricultural and rural community. From a one-time Holden Dealership to its current use as a busy workshop for tyres both large and small, this building has seen it all.

WHY WE BECAME INVOLVED – “Both our families have strong local connections, so we welcomed the opportunity to be involved in the Heesco Mural Project, to create an image that reflects our community and one that fondly reflects on the days gone by. Gary’s family has very strong historical links with Yarram and the people that helped build this community with his Grandfather Chris and Father Fred Mason owning the original Yarram Motor Garage”.

THE MURAL DESIGN – “I spent some time in the actual building where you can drink in the history with the old wooden beams and posts. You could almost feel the heat of the old forges and hear the clanging of the blacksmith and the clatter of hooves on the floor. I created a simple, but I feel powerful image that takes you back to a slower pace of life, bringing a real sense of history and nostalgia. Wayne Tindall – Artist/film maker

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